25-6-2023 (JAKARTA) Bank Indonesia (BI) Deputy Governor Filianingsih Hendarta has outlined the central bank’s focus on supporting digital public infrastructure (DPI) in three key areas: social assistance, electronification of regional government transactions, and transportation. Speaking at the Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion (GPFI) Symposium in Jakarta, Hendarta emphasized BI’s commitment to driving the digitization of social assistance programs.
The first area of focus is social assistance, where Bank Indonesia aims to encourage the development and implementation of digitized programs. Hendarta highlighted the importance of customer-centric interconnection and the interoperability of omnichannel experiences, as well as the establishment of an integrated data center to enhance the digitalization of social assistance initiatives.
The second area pertains to the electronification of regional government transactions, with a particular emphasis on facilitating digital tax payments and integrating digital public services with the regional development bank transformation program. The goal is to accelerate and expand regional government transactions, thereby improving financial management and enhancing regional income potential.
Lastly, Bank Indonesia is committed to supporting the digitalization of the transportation sector. The central bank aims to facilitate the development of an omnichannel digital payment mechanism for transportation and promote the replication of successful business models throughout all regions.
DPI plays a crucial role in promoting inclusive financial transformation and driving economic growth. It serves as a solid foundation for digital innovation, ensuring improved access to financial services for individuals and businesses while boosting productivity, Hendarta explained.
Furthermore, she emphasized the importance of prioritizing consumer protection in the utilization and development of DPI. Building a safe, inclusive, and innovative digital economic and financial ecosystem requires strong collaboration among the government, financial institutions, industry players, and consumers.
Hendarta concluded by urging all stakeholders to work together to realize the vision of expanding financial inclusion, increasing economic productivity, and ensuring robust consumer protection in the digital era. By harnessing the full potential of DPI, easier and faster access to financial services can be achieved, paving the way for sustainable economic growth.