10-7-2023 (JAKARTA) Governor Sutarmidji of West Kalimantan has set an ambitious target for his province to become a host for national and international sports events. This goal will be achieved through the construction of an integrated sports complex, the governor announced in Pontianak on Sunday.
Looking ahead to the next 10 to 20 years, Governor Sutarmidji expressed his aspiration for West Kalimantan to host the prestigious National Sports Week (PON). He believes that by developing the sports complex, the province can nurture athletes and gain recognition on both national and international stages.
The construction of the sports complex is expected to provide a platform for the community to engage in physical activities. With ample capacity, the complex will be suitable for hosting sports such as badminton, volleyball, and futsal, among others.
The first phase of construction is slated to be completed by July 2024. Upon its completion, the complex will boast six badminton courts, three volleyball courts, two basketball and futsal courts, one tennis court, a gymnastics hall, and five sepak takraw courts.