16-6-2023 (NEW YORK) A recent TikTok video shared by a woman named Alessa has taken the internet by storm, revealing that her boyfriend hasn’t washed his hair for a shocking six years. Unable to bear the situation any longer, she decided to take matters into her own hands and wash his hair, but what she discovered was truly surprising.
According to a report in The Sun, Alessa meticulously prepared for the task, gathering basic shampoo and conditioner along with some baking soda, lemon juice, and apple cider vinegar. In the video, she can be seen submerging her boyfriend’s long hair in water before adding the baking soda, lemon juice, and apple cider vinegar in sequence.
Within moments, the once-clear water turned murky, indicating the accumulated dirt and grime. Alessa fearlessly proceeded to scrub his hair, washing it three times until it was completely clean. She admitted, “My hands are numb from all the washing.” Finally, she used shampoo and conditioner to finish the process, leaving his braided hair noticeably smoother and shinier.
The video quickly garnered 13 million views, capturing the curiosity of viewers.
@alessandrasophiaa pt. 2 my hands are NUMB ????#fyp #dreadslocks #cleandreads #boyfriend #imanamazinggirlfriend ♬ Jimmy Cooks – Instrumental – Fruity Covers