21-7-2023 (BUENOS AIRES) The coastline of Argentina has become the unexpected final resting place for thousands of aquatic creatures colloquially known as ‘Penis fish’ (urechis unicinctus) due to their resemblance to the male sexual organ. This bizarre phenomenon has sparked curiosity and intrigue among the local populace.
These fish, known for their habitation in muddy or sandy terrain and extending up to 1 metre in length, are renowned for their elasticity and high-fat content. Interestingly, the fossil record indicates that these creatures have a lifespan of up to 25 years and have been in existence for around 300 million years.
This unprecedented natural event was discovered after thousands of penis fish washed ashore along the El Multyar beach in the southern part of Argentina. Each of these creatures, measured by locals, was found to be about 25.4 centimetres long.
In Argentina, these fish are integral in enticing white hake, making them valuable bait for local fisherfolk. In Asia, certain folk remedies from traditional Chinese medicine vouch for their therapeutic potential. They are believed to reinforce Yang energy, warm the liver and kidneys, and rectify conditions relating to spinal strength and kidney problems.
Despite their unusual appearance, these creatures are a vital part of the marine ecosystem. While the exact reason for this mass beaching event remains unknown, scientists speculate that it may be a result of changing ocean and weather patterns.
Gempar! Ribuan “Cacing Penis” Sepanjang 30 cm Terdampar di Pantai Argentina! Ternyata Bisa Dimakan!????
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