6-3-2024 (NEW DELHI) A disturbing incident has come to light involving a Spanish travel blogger couple who were assaulted and the woman was raped while camping in a forest in Dumka district, eastern Jharkhand state. The couple, who had been sharing their journey with over 200,000 followers on Instagram, captured the attention of the nation with their harrowing account of the attack.
In a now-deleted video, the woman, visibly shaken with a swollen and bruised face, explained in Spanish with English captions that they were ambushed in their tent by a group of assailants. Her husband corroborated her statement, revealing that they were beaten, threatened with a knife, and that she was raped by seven men.
Local police in Jharkhand have confirmed the incident and have already arrested three individuals over the weekend. A search is currently underway for four more suspects involved in the horrific crime.
This case has sparked nationwide outrage and once again brought attention to the issue of sexual violence against women in India. According to the National Crime Records Bureau, there were 31,516 reported rape cases in 2022, a 20% increase from the previous year. However, it is widely believed that the actual number of cases is much higher due to underreporting caused by the stigma surrounding sexual assault and victims’ lack of trust in the police.
Sexual violence against women is particularly prevalent in rural areas, where victims often face further victimization and social shame. Mariam Dhawale, a women’s rights activist and general secretary of the All India Democratic Women’s Association, explained that victims are often subjected to insults, making it difficult for them to come forward and report the crime.
Despite efforts to address this issue, including the amendment of rape laws and the establishment of fast-track courts, activists argue that the government is still not doing enough to protect women and ensure justice for survivors. Conviction rates in rape cases have remained below 30% in recent years, and many cases get delayed or stuck in India’s overwhelmed criminal justice system.
High-profile rape cases involving foreign visitors have drawn international attention to the issue, shedding light on the urgent need for stronger measures to combat sexual violence in the country. The Spanish travel blogger incident adds to a growing list of alarming assaults against women and highlights the ongoing struggle to create a safer environment for all individuals.
Women’s rights activists continue to push for change, demanding better investigation procedures, timely evidence collection, and swift convictions. It is crucial for society as a whole to address the culture of downplaying sexual harassment and violence against women, fostering an environment where every survivor feels safe and empowered to seek justice.