14-7-2023 (PHNOM PENH) Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen seized the opportunity to criticize the opposition in his country today, using the voting results of Thailand’s prime minister elect, Pita, as a basis for his remarks. He stated that Pita’s failure to secure enough votes to become the Thai prime minister was a significant setback for the opposition forces in Cambodia. However, he clarified that his comments were not intended as interference in Thailand’s internal affairs.
Hun Sen emphasized that his main point was to highlight the expectations of these opposition forces in Cambodia, who had hoped that Pita’s ascent to power in Thailand would provide a platform for them to campaign against the Royal Government of Cambodia from Thai territory. However, with Pita’s failure to secure the prime minister’s position, those expectations have been dashed.
The Cambodian leader advised against engaging in politics that depend on external factors or individuals, urging the opposition groups to pursue a more independent and self-reliant approach. He expressed his message as a goodwill gesture to the extremist factions in Cambodia.
Hun Sen’s remarks come at a time of political tension in the region, with neighboring Thailand undergoing its own leadership transition. It remains to be seen how his comments will be received and whether they will have any impact on the political dynamics within Cambodia and its relationship with Thailand.
ខ្ញុំសូមប្រកាសថ្ងៃនេះថា ការមិនទទួលបានសម្លេងគ្រប់គ្រាន់ដើម្បីធ្វើជានាយករដ្ឋមន្រ្តីថៃរបស់លោក Pita គឺជាការបរាជ័យដ៏ធំរបស់ក្រុមពួកតិរច្ឆាននៅកម្ពុជា… pic.twitter.com/PKyw6xFfkk
— Hun Sen (@hunsencambodia) July 13, 2023