14-5-2024 (JAKARTA) The driver of the Trans Putera Fajar bus, Sadira, has been officially charged in connection with a tragic accident that claimed the lives of 11 students from SMK Lingga Kenca. The incident occurred in Ciater, Subang, West Java, where the bus crashed, leaving a total of 11 dead and 40 others injured.
Sadira faces charges under Article 311, paragraph 5 of Law No. 22 of 2009 concerning traffic and road transport, with a potential sentence of up to 12 years in prison and a fine of IDR 24 million. “Sadira’s negligence is evident. The vehicle was in a state of disrepair, unfit for operation, yet it was still forced to run, leading to the fatal accident,” stated Police Commissioner Wibowo during a press conference at Subang Police Headquarters on Tuesday.
The investigation revealed several contributing factors to the accident. Firstly, the bus’s oil had not been changed for a significant period, resulting in a thick, dirty substance. Secondly, a mixture of water and oil was found in the compressor, which should contain only air, indicating an oil leak. Thirdly, the brake pad clearance was below the standard at 0.3 mm, while the minimum requirement is 0.45 mm. Lastly, there was a leak in the relay part and the connection between the relay part and the booster, caused by damaged components, leading to insufficient pressure due to an improper seal.
“The primary cause of this fatal accident was a brake system failure,” Wibowo elaborated.
Additionally, Wibowo hinted at the possibility of further suspects in the case. “We will continue to delve into and examine the circumstances surrounding this fatal accident, including investigating the bus company’s owner. There are indications of expired KIR certification and structural modifications from a regular bus to a Jetbus or high-decker configuration,” he added.