14-5-2024 (JAKARTA) A helicopter carrying President Joko Widodo caused branches to fall from trees, injuring seven people during its landing at Raha Town Square in Muna Regency, Southeast Sulawesi, on Monday (13 May 2024). The injured individuals were promptly taken to La Ode Baharudin Muna Regional Hospital for treatment.
Among the injured, five were discharged shortly after receiving medical attention. However, two others, a mother and her child, remain hospitalised. The victims, Riski (35) and her three-year-old daughter Renggani, were struck by falling branches while awaiting President Jokowi’s arrival. Riski sustained a head injury requiring stitches, while her daughter suffered minor abrasions to her head and legs. Both are currently receiving care at La Ode Baharudin Muna Regional Hospital.
“She was hit on the head by a falling branch as Pak Jokowi arrived,” said Erwin, Riski’s husband and Renggani’s father.
The incident occurred as the Super Puma helicopter carrying President Jokowi was descending onto an open field, causing several trembesi tree branches to break and fall on the gathered crowd. Riski required five stitches for her head injury.
Acting Regent of Muna, Bachrun, visited the injured mother and child at the hospital, assuring them that all medical expenses would be covered by the local government. “The local government will cover all medical costs and provide additional compensation,” Bachrun stated.
Seorang ibu dan anaknya di Muna, #Sulawesi Tenggara terpaksa dilarikan ke rumah sakit usai tertimpa pohon yang tumbang akibat angin kencang #helikopter #Jokowi.
Kredit vidio : Liputan 6 pic.twitter.com/wc61kcdIws— Titik Terang ???????? (@TitikTerangNews) May 14, 2024